Name on Card: *
Credit Card Number: *
Expiration Date: *
CCV Code (3 digits on back of card): *
Contact Person:*
Contact Email:*
Company Name:* must not contain trademarks unless you own
Street Address:*
Address 2:
City / Town / Village:*
Zip Code:*
DUNS Number:
Federal Tax ID Number (EIN)
(not social security #) Federal
Tax Number Required once you reach $5,000 USD in sales, not required to get started. If you do not have the EIN number leave blank. Do not enter your social security number, we do not want it.
State of Incorporation if applicable: Valid/Active
Link to your State's Company Lookup: Leave
blank if unknown, we have a list of state databases .
Your Company Website Address:
Preferred Password for Dropship Cart:*
Make sure you remember this.
information below is required by the State of Illinois, Department
of Revenue, and must be filled out for tax free sales.
We are required to have this information in our files regardless
of your location.
Illinois Form CRT-61
Step 2, Step 4 and Step 5 are Required
CRT-61 - Step 2, Line 5:
Answer 1 of the 3 items below.
1: I
am registered as a Retailer with the Illinois Department of Revenue and
my 8 digit Account ID Number is:
2: I
am registered as a Reseller with the Illinois Department of Revenue and
my 8 digit Accound ID Number is:
I am authorized to do business out-of-state and will resell and deliver
property only to purchasers located outside the State of Illinois. (place
an X in the box to the right if this applies)
CRT-61 - Step 4, Line 7:
Check only 1 of the 2 items below.
I am the identified purchaser and I certify that all of the purchases
that I make from Old Chicago Coffee Co. are for resale.
I am the identified purchaser and I certify that the following percentage,
%, of all the purchases that I make from Old Chicago Coffee Co. are for resale.
CRT-61 - Step 5
Digital Signature of Purchaser
I certify that I am purchasing Coffee Products for the purpose of resale and give permission to charge my card for the account monthly subscrption of $10 USD starting 2 weeks after account activiation (cancel anytime). I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions. including the section about user submitted content.
Digital Signature: *
Date Signed: *
Optional Comments: